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Thursday, October 24, 2013

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The New Yorker

The New Yorker

THE NEW YORKER This is probably one of my favorite outfits I've worn because it is simple and yet comfy to wear. Some of the people told me they liked my shirt.  The full view of my outfit. Again, I don't know what should I pose so this

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Horse top and Dr. Martens

Horse top and Dr. Martens

Horse top and Dr. Martens      I have this top which has a printed horse face and I don't like it. I mean c'mon it looks ugly and all. But I decided why not make it better? With a proper bottom and shoes and accessories the top

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Hippie Girl

The Hippie Girl

THE HIPPIE LOOK So, we had our photoshoot for our Magazine Project and we decided to wear clothes that are trending right now for teenagers. And of course, I chose the easy outfit which is the Hippie kind of look. I am an awkward person when it comes
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